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Feeling Sore After a Car Accident? You Could Have Serious Hidden Injuries

Feeling Sore After Car Accident

Getting into a car accident in Sacramento is a scary situation in and of itself. Sustaining injuries that you might not be aware of is even worse. The last thing you want is to discover that you’ve had an injury from a car crash that you were putting off, but is a severe cause of concern now.

If you’re still feeling sore after a car accident that you’ve been involved in, it is highly probable that you’re suffering from a significant injury that you can’t put a finger on. A chiropractor can help resolve many of these issues without the need to have an invasive surgery or major treatments, but only if you detect the problem on time.

Read on to learn more about injuries after a car accident in Sacramento and what you should do about them.

How Can Injuries from an Accident Show Up Later?

Sometimes, you don’t feel the pain of a car accident until much later. You’re still in a state of shock, pretending to be okay for your friends and family around you. However, a few days, or even weeks later, you’ll start to feel the after effects of the crash.

When you initially get into a crash, your body starts producing endorphins and adrenaline to keep you going through the trauma. As a result, this makes you feel extra strong and resilient, but it’s only the hormones and it’s temporary. Once their increased production levels go down, you’ll feel a sudden surge of pain that you hadn’t noticed before.

How Do You Know When to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

When you’re in an accident in Sacramento, you should be checked up by a doctor immediately. With the help of different tests and X-rays, they’ll be able to tell you if any of your injuries are serious and need medical attention.

You might start feeling stiff and have muscle pains that don’t go away with rest or heat treatment. You might have swelling and bruises, which are a sign of damage to your tissue and muscle.

In situations like these, you should see a chiropractor and get started on treatment as soon as you can. If you’re experiencing neck, shoulder, or back pain, a chiropractor will be able to help you before your pain gets too much for you to handle.

How Can a Chiropractor Help With Accident Injuries?

During an accident, it’s likely that you struggled to stop your car, or were thrown backward or forward into space. This strains and injuries many of your muscles and soft tissues, causing whiplash and alignment issues in everyone that was in the car.

Neck injuries like whiplash stop you from being productive. They make you dizzy and affect your vision. Whiplash is the result of your bones getting misaligned after getting hit with severe force. An experienced accident injury chiropractor helps you heal those injuries, rather than finding temporary relief through medication and topical applications.

When you visit a chiropractor after a car accident, they help you start a holistic treatment that covers areas that are commonly injured but aren’t causing you any pain at the moment. That’s because they know what to look for to determine tension and muscle injuries in places that you could otherwise dismiss.

Does Insurance Cover Chiropractic Care?

Depending on the type of medical plan you have, injury chiropractic care may be covered to varying extents. However, with most medical insurance plans, basic chiropractic care is covered.

For injuries, especially of the spine and nerves, a chiropractor may be a great solution and will be covered by your insurance plan.

Final Words

Letting accident injuries get brushed under the rug can lead to dangerous consequences. Visiting an accident injury chiropractor not only helps you find a permanent solution to your pain, a chiropractor knows how to detect injuries you may not have noticed.

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